@ GRUMBLECAKES & MRQUIK - Combine both your comments;
The structure & ethos of the WTBTS is first and foremost a money-making conglomerate -
1. Rake in donations in various forms from existing members
2. Use some donations to print religious literature to draw in more contributors, and use most of the mammon for investments and purchasing real estate.
Since the gravy train could be heading for the buffers quite rapidly, desperate measures must be taken by the newly-identified Magnificent 8; "consolidate" (shut down, sell off, and merge) branches, thereby reducing costs involving both buildings & staff, "restructure" (reduce number of pages in the Public editions by 50%) magazines, thereby reducing costs greatly.
So much for the Org cutting expenditure - how can more income be sourced? (because we ain't getting a good enough return on the Stock Market!)
Here is where, 'wont appear sound from a human standpoint' could raise its ugly head; "consolidate" (shut down, sell off) Kingdom Halls by merging congregations and selling of the more profitable property.
And/or - "Brothers, as a result of the attacks on Jehovah's earthly organization by Satan & his agents, (pedophile victims) we are in a very precarious financial situation, and reluctantly request that every congregation send the bulk of their bank balance to our HQ, to prevent the collapse of our literature publishing facilities worldwide. Also, whatever increased personal donations can be made will be greatly appreciated."
Maybe we'll find out sooner, rather than later!